Affordable Flatbed Scanning
Art 17 provides you with the highest resolution flatbed scanning for images up to A1 using our WideTEK 24F large format flatbed scanner.
Incorporating the latest camera technology and illumination techniques, it is not only extremely fast but also scans highly accurately at resolutions up to 1200 dpi. The 1200dpi resolution provides details of the scanned document not even visible to the human eye. Because the glass top extends from edge to edge, it allows scanning of oversized objects and supports thicker objects with the adjustable height of the lid. The color space of the WideTEK 24F is much wider than SRGB and the output can also be set to Adobe RGB or native RGB. The online ICC profiling eliminates the last remaining imperfections. Artworks are supplied to the client on a complimentary USB stick or emailed a download link from cloud storage. Price A2 - $33 A1 - $55 >A1 - POA |