For the second year ART 17 was stoked to frame for SIDE QUEST Exhibition, held this year at VENTspace in South Brisbane, on July 20th.
For the second year the show WENT OFF thanks to amazing artwork by over 70 tattoo artists as well as the best framing by the most handsome framer in Brisbane (source: my mum). But the real MVP is Cat from Oracle Tattoo who puts on the exhibition. As a curator and event organizer she excels. Don't quote me on this but around 20 artworks sold on the night and the merch desk did and ungodly amount of business, earning a lot of the participating artists some much needed financial support in this end of world economy. Should I do an armageddon rant slash apocalypse fantasy here? Fine. I'll save it for Instagram. Was mega CHUFFED to hear the feedback from punters on the new PRINTED MATS and it was all VERY positive. A lot of people were saying things like 'This is the best framed show I've ever been to' and 'I bet the framer is really hung' or maybe it was 'Was it the framer who hung the show?' it's hard to say. It was very noisy on the night with hundreds of people enjoying beverages and artwork viewing or playing pool or friggen mario party or mario world or some such. Nerds. Jk! If you want to see more of this HUGE event check out SIDEQUESTBNE or ART17CUSTOMFRAMING on the 'gram (Instagram). I'll post a blog about the printed mats soon. Meanwhile back to framing the 16 jerseys on my bench! Stay pony golden boys and girls!
AuthorAsh is the owner and Trade Qualified Custom Framer at ART 17 Archives
September 2024
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